We fished five weights mostly, 9 foot with floating lines and 4x leaders. The Driftless streams would have been perfect for bamboo rods, but I’m done with rod buying I think.
At least until I buy another rod.
I re-read Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead to get ready for Iowa. In our plane trip to Rhode Island, I kept reading excerpts to Kris out loud, because so much of it deserves pondering. I hope the people around us didn’t mind.
I re-read Shoeless Joe (and of course re-watched Field of Dreams). There is a surprising amount of good writing tied to Iowa, mostly because of the University of Iowa creative writers workshop. There’s Jane Smiley, W. P. Kinsella, Flannery O’Connor, W.D. Snodgrass, Wallace Stegner, T. C. Boyle, Sandra Cisneros . . . Frankly, I don’t see how anyone ever wrote a word without going to Iowa first.
I had such success with cooking in New Mexico, I bought a copy of The Flavor of Wisconsin by Harva Hachter and Terese Allen with the plan to try some of the recipes in our Air BnB. I didn’t. It’s a wonderful book, the kind of historic/cultural study of food culture that every state deserves, with a general survey of the food history of the state and then a lot of recipes. The problem is that Wisconsin food is kinda, I don’t know, unappealing in the abstract. Maybe I’ll go back and make that recipe for beef and kidney pie. I’m going to go to my grave though without having eaten the potato and turnip whip.
I’ve written about the Driftless Cafe already, and about trying to find Frito pie in Iowa. There are, I’m sure many good things to say about Midwestern food (and face it, Midwestern food is what we’re talking about here), but the only good thing I can say about those breaded pork tenderloin sandwiches in Iowa is that if you covered them with cream gravy and left out the bread, they’d be a reasonable substitute for chicken fried steak.
You can find 20-year old cheddar in Wisconsin, for obscene amounts of money. They take their cheese seriously.
What We Didn’t Catch
Muskie. Notwithstanding how much I liked the Driftless, I still regret not catching muskie in Wisconsin.
Where We Didn’t Go
We talked about driving to Minneapolis/St. Paul for a Twins game, but we didn’t. I’ve been to Minneapolis; Kris hasn’t.
I’d like to have canoed in the Boundary Waters.
I really wanted to drive through the Amana region of Iowa. I’d been once before, a long time ago, and I liked it. Because of a flat in Missouri we ran out of time. By the way, the family minivan doesn’t have a jack and a spare, but instead has a flimsy fix-a-flat kit, which notwithstanding my distrust, worked fine. Did you know that all the tire repair shops in rural Iowa close on Saturday afternoon? We had a nervous 100 mile drive to Dubuque where we found a Discount Tire that fixed the flat for free. I love Discount Tire, but I’d still rather have a spare tire.
We crossed Iowa, south to north, in late fall, and the corn stalks were ready for harvest, I suppose for feed? There didn’t appear to be any actual ears of corn. I grew up around wheat and cotton and sorghum and cattle pasture, but I have never seen such monoculture as Iowa corn. There is a lot of corn in Iowa, and that doesn’t even come close to a description. There is more than a lot of corn. There is a plethora of corn, the universe of corn, the place where corn is born and goes to die. No wonder corn fields show up in movies as the place the supernatural comes from; the amount of corn is spooky.
I realized that despite my rural upbringing, I had only the vaguest notion of what silos are for; they could be guard towers, to protect from roving bands of children of the corn? There sure are a lot of them.
We were probably in as much of Missouri as anyplace, though we didn’t fish there. We spent a night in Kansas City on the way, at the 21c Museum Hotel. They’re great hotels and pet friendly, but more often than not located in peculiar places–at least if you’re not from there. Louisville and Lexington, Kansas City, Bentonville, Oklahoma City . . . they’re opening a new one in Des Moines. We also drove by the hamlet in north central Missouri where my grandmother was born in 1890, Osgood. I visited Osgood as a child in the early 1960s, and stayed with a great aunt who had no indoor plumbing, and visited a great uncle who kept horse feed in the spare bedroom. It was an adventure. There’s not much of Osgood left, if there ever was much of Osgood. Certainly there’s no tire repair shop.
Osgood, Missouri
On the drive nome we paralleled the Mississippi, and stopped in Hannibal to walk around. I’m not sure we saw the best of Hannibal, or if there is any best of Hannibal.
We spent two nights in St. Louis, took our picture under the arch, visited the Feather Craft fly fishing store (I’ve bought mail order from them for 30 years, but in person it reminds me most of a plumbing supply), and saw a Cardinals game. I hate the Cardinals, but they were playing the Cubs, who I also hate. The Astros played too long in the Central Division of the National League for me not to have strong feelings about the Cardinals and the Cubs.
Iowa. The Everly Brothers are from Iowa, and Glen Miller, and Bix Beiderke. Glen Miller got me through law school. Big Band music was the only music I could listen to and still concentrate on reading.
Minnesota. We listened to a lot of Bob Dylan. I’m not a big fan of Prince (who is of course from Minneapolis or St Paul or whatever), but then we listened to a lot of Bob Dylan.
Wisconsin. I’ve been through this list before. It’s still pretty much the same list.
I had breakfast in Houston yesterday with a lawyer from Minneapolis, a compliance officer for a securities dealer. He had grown up in Norfthfield, about 120 miles from where we stayed near Spring Grove, and went to law school at the University of Minnesota. I mentioned that we’d been to an area near Austin and Rochester, in the Driftless region, and said how much I liked it. He’d never heard of the Driftless.
We drove 2,122 miles. We fished in three states, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. We fished in five streams, and caught wild brown trout and native brookies. I finally cast a bamboo fly rod. We saw lots of corn.
It’s two days from Houston, Texas, to Spring Grove, Minnesota, which is only 22 miles from Houston, Minnesota. I’d like to tell you that Houston, Minnesota, and Houston, Texas, are similar, but they’re not. Houston, Texas, is located on a flat coastal plain in Southeast Texas, and has 2.31 million residents. Houston, Minnesota, is located in the relatively hilly Driftless region of Southeast Minnesota, and has 979 residents.
They were both named after Sam Houston. Houston, Minnesota, has a wider selection of farm implements.
According to our Minnesota guide, Tim Carver of The Driftless Fly Fishing Company, a lot of his clients are from Chicago. From Chicago, the Driftless holds the closest native trout. I guess that if we lived in Chicago we’d only be five hours from Houston, Minnesota. From here it’s 19 hours. We’d have to be Cubs fans though, so it’s not worth it.
* * *
Gretchen, the Houston Orvis fishing manager, asked where we’d been lately and I told her about the Driftless, how pretty it was, how different from the rest of the Midwest. Gretchen is from New Hampshire, and I told her how it reminded me of New England. She’d never heard of the Driftless.
I hadn’t planned to fish in Minnesota on this trip. In Minnesota I had imagined that one day we would visit the far north, the Boundary Waters, but after I rented a farmhouse near Decorah, Iowa, I figured out it was actually in Minnesota. It was a sign.
Let’s get this out of the way now: each of the streams we fished in the Driftless was a bit different, but I suspect that if I found a place I liked in Iowa, I could find a similar place in Wisconsin, or in Minnesota. None of the water was big, the largest stream was maybe 40 feet across, and each was a mix of pools, slow water, bends, and riffles. What was remarkable was not the variation, but the amount. Minnesota claims more than 700 miles of fishable trout water, Iowa 2,500, and Wisconsin more than 13,000. If I fished a mile of stream each day, I’d be tottering around in a walker and still not out of Iowa.
Our guide Tim was a youngish man, at least to my old eyes, and I suspect that guiding and fly fishing are his anchors. I couldn’t imagine what Tim would do if there wasn’t water to fish, and nothing seemed more important to him than our having a good day. I liked Tim a lot.
We fished the morning on the South Fork Root River. There is also a South Branch of the Root, and a North and a Middle Branch, plus each has tributaries of its own. After they all join together the Root joins the Mississippi near La Crescent, Minnesota, across the Mississippi from La Crosse, Wisconsin. Even with all that joining the Root never seemed like a big river.
On the South Fork we crossed a public easement at the edge of a bit of pasture, and Tim placed Kris at the base of a long pool banked on one side by the pasture and on the other by a sandstone bluff. It was pretty characteristic Driftless karst topology. Kris spent the rest of the morning fishing that pool. Every time she thought about moving she caught another fish.
We started out fishing dry dropper rigs; at first I fished a pheasant tail nymph under a parachute Adams but later switched to a brace of dries, a spinner and a dun. I started downstream below Kris, and then moved around her and upstream.
The fish were spooky, and I was making, for me, long casts. I know all this modern stuff about keeping casts short and relying on stealthy approaches, but there are few things more thrilling than taking a trout on a dry fly after a long perfect cast, or even a pretty good cast, or even a good enough cast. It is such a joy.
* * *
To meet Tim, we came into Preston down a long hill onto the main street. It was a handsome street, lined with houses and shops that seemed to pre-date World War I. A lot of the buildings sported American flags. It reminded me of a record cover I’d once owned, or maybe that I imagined, of Charles Ives’ New England Holiday Symphony, an Impressionistic cover that I recall as a mishmash of American flags and New England town. Likely as not I was making it up to fit the moment.
At the shop, there was a ridiculously good-looking young couple from Rochester, also meeting their guide. He was handsome and tall and dark and she was tall and red-headed and movie-star pretty. I fantasized that they were young doctors or some such from the Mayo Clinic–it’s what Rochester is best known for–learning to fly fish (they were being fitted for rented waders, so I think that I was right they were learning. I was certainly right about them being ridiculously good looking).
We talked about where they were from, and I mentioned that Preston reminded me more of New England than of the Midwest–I was still pondering the memory of that probably mis-remembered record cover–and she said that was good to know, because she’d never been to New England. I suppose that some day she’ll drive into a New England town and think to herself that it looks absolutely nothing like Preston, Minnesota.
In Decorah, Iowa, we fished with Liz Siepker, of Driftless Fishers LLC. I had googled guides in Decorah, and picked Liz first because I realized that after 20-odd states I had yet to hire a woman guide. Unfortunately Liz was only available for an afternoon, and I wanted to fish a full day. I emailed another guide who never answered, and a third who responded that on a Monday in October both he and his guiding partner had to work their real jobs. We booked the afternoon with Liz.
When I met Liz I accused her of having a Midwestern accent, but it turned out she was from Pennsylvania. Her masters was in one or another kind of fishology, and she got to Iowa via a fisheries job in Missouri and an Iowa-born husband. I still swear I heard her say you betcha.
At least theoretically, fishing in Iowa differs from the other Driftless states in a couple of ways, neither of which affected us. There is a trout season in both Wisconsin and Minnesota, and with a few exceptions in both states, trout fishing in the Minnesota and Wisconsin Driftless mostly stops on October 15. Iowa has no season, fishing is year ’round, and our guides in Minnesota and Wisconsin admitted that in late fall and winter they would cross into Iowa for their own off-season fishing.
Iowa also stocks rainbow trout in some places, though where we fished we only caught wild browns–I think Wisconsin has stopped all stocking in the Driftless. There is natural reproduction in Iowa, both among brown trout and brook trout and I’d guess the general population, and at least one Iowa creek is set aside for naturally reproducing native brook trout.
Liz suggested that we fish Trout Run, in a county park on the edge of urban Decorah. To be honest, compared to Houston, Texas, Decorah is never particularly urban, though it is multiples larger than Houston, Minnesota. It’s still fewer than 10,000 people. Urban or no, on Trout Run we were isolated enough to forget that the town was nearby, and the only other angler we saw was back at the parking lot; us going, him arriving.
Even if Liz wasn’t from Iowa, you betcha she knew the water like a native. She even took us on a jungle adventure into deepest, darkest Iowa.
With Liz we fished nymphs under a foam indicator with no added split shot. Like Kris the morning before in Minnesota, I caught all of my fish, maybe a dozen, fishing one deep pool. Nothing we caught in the Driftless was particularly large, but all of the guides assured us that there were 22-inch browns right there, right where we were fishing, and that nighttime fishing with mouse patterns was great for big browns. I’m sure it is, and I hope they enjoy it.
* * *
I am a superstitious baseball fan, which is redundant, and one of my longest running superstitions is Frito pie. Do you know Frito pie? If you’re not from New Mexico or Texas you probably don’t. It is great stuff: spicy, unctuous chile mixed into a bed of crisp salty Fritos, then topped with onions and cheese and whatever else comes to hand. Sometimes a small Fritos bag is split down the side and the chili–at Texas high school football games it’s likely Wolf Brand from the can–the chili is mixed straight into the bag. It’s our version of a hot dog.
Frito pie is my comfort food for baseball superstitions. I’m constantly finding new sources of Frito pie in Houston, Texas (though not Houston, Minnesota), from ice houses to upscale, and if the Astros are losing, I eat Frito pie and know that I’ve done all that I can to help turn things around.
Anyway, we were in the Driftless in the final week of the baseball season and the Astros were stalled. After our afternoon fishing with Liz, Kris and I stopped at the Decorah Fareway grocery. There was no Wolf Brand in the canned soup aisle (which was also the Miracle Whip aisle–this was Iowa). I thought maybe the store stocked some kind of frozen chili, and found the store manager on the frozen food aisle. “Do ya’ll have frozen chili?”
I said those four words; I really did. It may have been the most Texas thing I’ve ever said. The guy just stared at me. After a bit he said I’ve never heard of anything like that and walked away. We found a chili spice mix where the Wolf Brand should have been, added it to some ground beef, and the Astros won the division. It was pretty good, too.
Liz had recommended the Root River Rod Company in Lanesboro, so on Tuesday on our way out of \Minnesota for Wisconsin we stopped there. Kris bought some stuff, and then bought some more stuff–she was jealous of Liz’s wading boots, so it was a pretty good day for the Root River Rod Company. Liz was right, it was a good shop, but best of all the owner, Steve Sobieniak, let me cast one of his bamboo rods; he both builds and restores bamboo. I cast one of his builds, and it was a lovely thing, casting soft and true. If I fished the Driftless day to day, season to season, that’s what I would own. The Driftless is bamboo rod water.
* * *
I’ve read that there are more certified organic farms in Driftless Wisconsin than in any other area in the States. The first night in Viroqua we ate at the farm-to-tableDriftless Cafe. At the table next to us were guys passing around fish photos on their phones. I didn’t have the Frito pie, but it was wonderful. The second night at the Driftless Cafe (we went back the second night), we had the pizza, and not only were guys at the table next to usdeclaiming how they ate there every time they came to Viroqua to fish, our guide Matt was there for his Dad’s birthday. The third night (we made night three) we ate appetizers and a salad at the bar (which was inlaid with a swimming trout), and we saw their framed James Beard semi-finalist certificate. I reckon you don’t get a lot of James Beard semi-finalists in cafes in towns of fewer than 5,000, even if the cafe is pretty upscale. If I was still in Viroqua I’d be back for night four. They also have good martinis.
On Wednesday we fished a half-day with Matt Bethke of Driftless Angler. I figured we’d fish with Matt in the morning, then explore in the afternoon. Matt grew up in the area, moved around the country some, and came home to Westby, just up the road from Viroqua.
Agriculture almost killed the Driftless streams before World War II, sort of like agriculture almost killed the southern plains with the Dust Bowl. Trees were clear cut, everything was plowed for planting, and streams filled with silt from erosion. It was the damaged Wisconsin of A Sand County Almanac. What had been spring-fed coldwater wild-trout streams was choked with silt. The states have largely reversed the damage, and private groups like Trout Unlimited have also invested heavily in stream restoration.
Matt took us to Weister Creek, in the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. The Reserve was originally land accumulated by the Corps of Engineers in the 1960s for a since-abandoned dam project. After the proposed dam project was finally abandoned, a chunk of the Corps-owned land in the Reserve, about 8600 acres including part of Weister Creek, was given to the State of Wisconsin or held in trust for the Ho-Chunk Nation. The land has been undeveloped and reclaimed by nature since the 60s. I don’t think it’s an accident that Weister was the most deeply incised water we fished; I suspect that the Weister was as close as we came to what the streams were like before the Driftless was farmed.
We fished a nymph under a foam beetle, and the fish were spooky. We cast a lot from the banks, though I couldn’t stay out of the water–since Pennsylvania I’m a convert to the notion that my best drifts are straight towards my rod tip, and that can be hard to manage from a bank. Most of our casts were pretty short–there wasn’t sufficient space between cut banks on a winding small stream to make long casts or take long drifts.
That morning we fished about a half-mile of river and caught wild brown trout. We didn’t see anybody else.
* * *
The van’s change oil light came on, so Thursday I spent part of the morning at the Viroqua Chrysler dealer. I waited on the sales floor for the oil change, and passed some of the time talking to a salesman. We talked a lot about the Brewers winning their division. He asked what we were doing there, so I told him we were fishing. He asked what for?Walleye?
I’d like to catch a walleye. I’ve never seen a walleye.
Following Matt back from Weister Creek to Viroqua, he showed us a bit of isolated stream where the state had eradicated the European browns and reestablished the native strain brook trout. That evening Kris and I went back to the brook trout stream and fished a quarter mile up the easement until dark. We didn’t catch anything.
The next day after the oil change I worked at lawyering through the afternoon, and then in the evening, before our third dinner at the Viroqua Diner, we went back to the little creek. At first nothing, but after a while I figured that maybe we were too close to the road, that maybe that portion of the water got fished too hard and too often. I walked further upstream, maybe a half mile from the road, and watched trout rising in a long pool. I was fishing dry flies, and I caught a brookie, went back and got Kris to show her where I had fished and how, and on my example cast caught another brookie on a long just-good-enough cast with a Royal Wulff. She had lost her fly, so we traded rods and I headed back to the car. I’d caught a perfect fish.
In Rhode Island I hooked two good fish. I didn’t land either one. The first had sharp teeth and bit through my leader at the fly, so maybe it was a bluefish—I say that only because bluefish are in the area and from all reports they have teeth. According to our guide, Taylor Brown, it didn’t really act like a bluefish. It had all the power of a saltwater fish, except that it didn’t show speed. It never ran, which is one of the great joys of saltwater fishing.
I played it long enough to think I would land it, but it never strayed far from the boat. It never surfaced. I was fishing a 9-weight with a cold water intermediate line that ran a foot or so below the water’s surface, with a white baitfish fly that traveled the same depth, and I never saw the fish. Everything fishy happened down below. We could tell the leader didn’t break, not at a knot or in the leader or any of the regular places, but it was cut in the loop of the loop knot, which is hard to describe but is just weird. Just plain weird. Like I said, that fish had sharp teeth. It cut the line and stole the fly.
Kris insists it was a 700 lb tuna. I don’t think she’s right. I think it was an alligator gar.
Sometimes I think my descriptions of our fishing trips are too positive, but then why shouldn’t they be? Kris is good company (as are the guides, usually, and Taylor was a great guy). We’re outside, and I like to fish. It doesn’t really bother me much not to catch fish. Even where I make fun of a place–Kansas comes to mind–I’d go back there to fish tomorrow if offered. As a matter of fact, for Kansas, we went back twice before I finally caught a bluegill, and I didn’t mind at all. I learned a lot from Kansas, and it wasn’t all about John Brown. I did learn a lot about John Brown though.
I’m positive about Rhode Island, too, except I get seasick. It doesn’t happen often, and I can really only remember three times when nausea put me leaning over the gunnel and sharing my inner being. If I anticipate it, for instance if I’m going offshore in the Gulf, I can plan ahead and get a scopolamine patch. With scopolamine, I put the patch behind an ear at the base of my skull, and the pupil on that side of my head dilates, big time. It’s the strangest thing. The other pupil goes about its normal business and stays its usual size, while the scopolamine pupil fills the iris. It’s kinda creepy, or hilarious, or both.
When I do get seasick, I get seasick in swells, the big rolls of water that gently lift the boat and then eases it into the following trough, then gently lift the boat and eases it into the following trough, over and over, and it doesn’t help that I can watch the swells coming, spaced at 30 or 40 feet or farther, chest high, coming and coming and coming, and that’s when hilarity ensues. I don’t get seasick in chop, the battering closely-spaced three-foot waves that are terrifying in our little skiff. I only get worried, and severe–chop brings out the Calvinist in me. Sunday it was very windy and there was lots of hard chop in Naragansett Bay traveling across the unprotected water from Newport. That has its own discomfort, but I can hang on and take the jolts. Swells, on the other hand . . .
Where we fished there were swells. Big swells, but swells that probably nobody but me and my equilibrium paid much never mind, and I could see them coming and coming and coming, and I hadn’t called Dr. White for a patch, and, regrettably, that very morning at Ma’s Donuts I’d eaten a maple-iced donut. I could feel that donut coming and coming and coming (though it never did, thank God, but the aftertaste of that maple icing will live with me for a long, long time).
It may have put me off maple-iced donuts forever. Even the ones with bacon.
We were actually in Newport for the Orvis Northeast Saltwater Fly-Fishing School at The Saltwater Edge in Newport, and the guided half-day was part of the school. The day before, we werein the classroom, which was great, not least because the other students, Carl, Russ, and Brian, and the teacher, Christian Awe, were such good company. As an added bonus, Russ and Brian are both brewers at craft breweries, Russ at Barrel House Z in Massachusetts and Brian at Two Roads Brewing in Connecticut. They brought samples. I may or may not have nodded off in Christian’s final presentation about false albacore. Sorry Christian. Free samples.
In class, Kris finally tied a blood knot. All the items on my bucket list are now checked. Kris didn’t hook anything when we fished the next day, but I suspect that was mostly because she was smart enough to enjoy the day and stay off the front of the boat.
When we fished, we covered a lot of water, from Fort Adams on Aquidneck Island, around the Point Judith Lighthouse towards Watch Hill, nearly to the New York border. Honestly, I lost track, but it doesn’t matter. I hooked both fish on the ocean side of the Quonochontaug Breachway. The water was often deep, 30 feet, 70 feet, whatever, it wasn’t Galveston Bay, where, if you fall out of the boat, the first thing to do to save yourself is stand up. Much of the Texas water we usually fish is a foot to three feet deep. This was much closer to fishing the Gulf itself than the Gulf’s bays.
And did I mention there were swells?
The loss of the other fish I hooked was totally my fault. Taylor was trying to bring fish up with a teaser, a hookless plug that he skated across the surface on a spinning rod. I cast in behind the teaser and got a hit but failed to set the hook. I do this a lot. I think it’s a combination of basic laziness and bad habits gleaned from too much trust that the fish shares my ultimate goal. Plus I’m not really too concerned when I lose a fish. When something hits hard, I too-often assume it’s well-hooked and don’t bother to strip set. User error. So whatever it was I hooked I played it for a bit and then it was gone. I never should have lost that fish.
Late in the morning we drifted in the midst of a swarm of batfish–Taylor said it was a ball of Atlantic silversides, but a ball of baitfish sounds too much like those rural legends of cowboys and balls of water moccasins for my taste–anyway it was a big to-do of a million zillion very small baitfish that we cast into the midst of hoping for a false albacore take. That was kind of the point of the day. In the fall the false albacore (which is, depending on the internet description you read, either the smallest tuna or the largest mackerel or both) follow the baitfish down the Atlantic coast from Canada to Florida. I don’t even think they have RVs. There were gulls everywhere, which was how we knew we were in the right place, and for a bit I forgot the swells. False albacore are fast, tuna fast, and at least three times I watched the flash of gold-shouldered predator up through the baitfish swarm and then it would be gone. And then they were all gone, baitfish, seagulls, false albacore, all of them, gone.
And I didn’t get another take, so now we get to go back to Rhode Island. Next time I’ll bring scopolamine.
You just can’t show a rough passage in still photos. Dang it.
The Driftless is famous, in an underplayed, Midwestern sort of way. I suspect that only people in the region and geology students ponder it much. It gets some play among fly fishers because of its trout streams, though even then its not first on the list of places to fish. There’s a popular Orvis fly fishing podcast by Tom Rosenbauer, and when from time to time the Driftless gets mentioned, he always says that he really wants to get there soon. Apparently soon time like glacial time is pretty long.
Plate 192, Driftless Area of Wisconsin, from I. Bowman, Forest Physiography, p. 496, 1911, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
The Driftless is usually referred to as the Wisconsin Driftless, but it’s actually located in parts of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, right where the four states dysfunctionally try to join their borders at the Mississippi River. They don’t quite make a Four Corners, and Illinois is usually ignored anyway. Its portion of the Driftless is small, and it has no trout streams. I’m sure that otherwise it’s the very thing.
Driftless is a great name. There’s an upended, unanchored feel to it, like Clint Eastwood as the Man with No Name. In truth though, it’s not glamorous like the Rockies or the West Coast. It’s not the historical epicenter of fly fishing like Pennsylvania or the Catskills. It’s in Wisconsin. It doesn’t wear a poncho or smoke a cigar. It’s in Iowa. Is it heaven? No, it’s Iowa.
Glacial drift is the geologic term of art for all the silt, sand, rocks, and boulders that glaciers put in their pockets when they went for a stroll, and then left behind when they turned for home. The Driftless is just that–it’s without the silt, sand, rocks, and boulders that a glacier deposits.
Glacial map of the Great Lakes Region, Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly, 1899-1900, Vol. 56. The Driftless is the area with the horizontal lines.
The Last Glacial Age lasted about 100,000 years, and ended at 2:30 in the afternoon on a sunny day 14,000 years ago. During the Last Glacial Period, all of Canada was covered with ice, which explains hockey, but parts of Alaska–presumably including the Bering Strait land bridge, Beringia–weren’t, which explains America’s first immigrants (who, I’m reasonably certain, weren’t documented). Sea level at glacial maximum–like drift that’s a term of art–was as much as 400 feet lower than now, and as sea level rises that’s getting lower all the time. Much of the Northern United States was covered with ice, but the Driftless wasn’t. I don’t know why, it just wasn’t. There was ice to its right, to its left, above it and below it, but it remained–Driftless.
All those thousands of feet of ice did at least three things. The glaciers scoured and flattened things out, and they filled in what was left–that’s where the deposited drift went. They also forced water to go in new directions. By missing the Last Glacial Period, the Driftless’s pre-glacial geology was left pretty much alone. It was left with shallow soils–Look ma! No drift!–covering various kinds of rocks: sandstones and limestones and dolomites and whatnots. They’re the kind of rocks that allow a karst topography.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Trout Streams in Vernon County, Wisconsin.
What is a karst topography? Think of it as fractures, pockets, underground streams, and caves in soluble rock, and, in the case of the Driftless, streambeds on the surface carved a bit deeper by the runoff of glaciers and the release of prehistoric great lakes when ice dams fractured. The results produces springs and spring-fed streams. The water gets cold down under, and the trout get cold water up top. In the Driftless, on the surface, there’s a lot of trout habitat. It’s not big, western rivers. It’s small streams through farmland, and no one is ever very far from cheese curds.
The original trout in the Driftless were brook trout, but brown trout and rainbow trout were introduced. All three can be found there now, plus the sterile hybrids of browns and brookies, tiger trout. It is the kind of fishing freshwater fly fishers crave, and since I first read about wild trout in northeast Iowa, I’ve been a wee bit obsessed with going to the Driftless.
I’ve actually been to all of these states before. I’ve been to Minnesota in winter, which is a treat, and a couple of years ago we fished in Wisconsin for Muskie, so no one should be surprised that we didn’t catch anything and now have to go back. I only passed through Iowa a long, long time ago, but it was green and rolling, and I was from a flat brown place and I thought it was beautiful. We stopped in the Amana Colonies just north of Iowa City, and it did look a bit like heaven. It was Iowa.